1. You are a blissful child and a powerful aoul that is ready to shine. In order to show what your soul cries out loud to show is the power of being loved by yourself and how much are you connected with the divine. At this pointbof time your spirit guides are showing you the way to awaken your psychic powers and be in tune with your intuition. Whatever was the sadness and trauma of the past stays behind. " when i'm healed, i'm finding myself" This is your message to those that around you do not lose time and start connecting with what you love the most as an activity, work or project. Be creative.
2. True love. Have you ever received the love and the understanding that you ve shared? The answer is no. Why? Because people weren't able to receive what you have to give to them. Maybe you felt an outcast but this is not something that you have to carry as a trauma from now own. Your spirit guides are reminding you that silent hard work with humbleness is paying off. And Saturn is bringing you the gifts when the star of Venus is rising. This gift is a true love. True love in a romantic partner, a loyal friend or a work partner that can share the same vision with you. You created it and you will have it. After 23rd of October universe is going to give you the precious flower of true love. Prepare yourself to accept it!
3. This is the time of closing completely the door to the past. This is the time that being you amd love yourself unconditionally is the only source of light in your life. And that's true. This is the essence of your soul amd the obly connection wiyh the Divine. You have left the emotional practical or mental burdens of the past and you are moving forward. Keep clearing your enviroment from toxic patterns and behaviours. You are not carrying whatever isn't yours anymore. And this is not making you cruel, bad or selfish. It is making you being your true self and keep your integrity and personal boundary. Move forward with confidence and feel pround of yourself for your percevirance and courage to say for the first time in yourlife NO! This is you! And you are a fierce devoted pure essence of source's power.
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