"My love,
It's been sometime that we are in seperation and i really miss you. I miss your touch, your smile, your loving and caring hugs! There are times that i want to contact you and tell you how i feel,but then i think that maybe i'm not worth of your love and attention.You are a person of power! You are well established, financial secure and so... so.. damn hot! But what about me? I'm even struggling financial. How could i give you what you deserve? I know that in order to be together once again i have to change my old ways. I have to be transformed. Someone new! But let me tell you my love.. I need time to be the best me! I promise you we will be soon together... Just be patient for a little while..."
When i saw you, i was sure that we are the perfect match! I like you sweetie. I really do! I'm enjoying our conversations, the way we conpliment each other. I even enjoy your sense of humor.. You are the only person that gives me joy, fun, happiness until now..i find you so sexy!! But babe listen! Even if i want to stay committed i'm indecisive on how could we move forward. I love my life as it is for now. I love how intependent and carefree i am. I know! I have to make up my mind and take it to the next level ..but babe? Some things from my past still hurt! I can't bare facing them...but also i can't bare losing you too.. What can i do? Help me babe!!!"
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