1. For the second pile I see a goat climbing to an inaccessible and high peak, gazing at the clear sky above the clouds. For me it symbolizes the effort you have made and are being paid to succeed in a love affair. For some maybe you or the person you care about are Capricorns or Aries.The phrase i hear is "chasing pavements". Some of you are in a situation that the Spirit says it leads to dead end. With the chaser card and Pluto- transformation you are called to transform yourself and focus on your intuition and ispiration in order to find the mission of your soul. Moving from the excessive passion that exists in this karmic state you ignore your individual power and the deepest desires of your soul. For some of you, the situation you are experiencing comes to empower you and free you from the inner fear of abandonment. The important thing here is to forgive the past and release any expectation of the result in the divine. The strength of your solar plexus quarantees you a succesful and fullfilling love life while you will be on top soon and fill uplifted. Just like the goat in the vision! Two channeled songs for you darlings. Stiches by Shawn Mentes and Grenade by Bruno Mars.
2. For you the vision I receive is flowers on a rocky area, while at the same time I hear the expression "rocky situations" and "one of a kind". The symbolism here is very specific. As a difficult cycle has closed the ascension process began! With the number 8 and the flowers on the rock initiate a rare relationship and connection with a soulmate, where there are strong and deep feelings.Also, with the healing heart card and void of course moon along with the pluto transformation card, I understand that this is a situation where there was separation and in fact with the aim of healing and transforming the relationship. However, the challenge between you both continues to be the communication. Here and now balance is necessary. The spirit advises you to approach the situation and the challenges between you with an emotional sensitivity and cheerfulness to cocreate with universe on your energy field and heal your relationship! Open your heart center and be more receptful.Miracles can happen everyday even in difficult times.
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