CARD OF THE DAY 18/10/2022

The vision that i'm getting for the collective today is a crown of thorns and a wand while i'm hearing the word "action". This fir me has a double message. It means that for a lot of you the way you acted until now was based on traumatic or wounded mindset that was influenced from a past experience and was demanding fron you a specific sacrifice in order to move forward in your life and keep the control. What know is changing is that you are challenged to leave that thorn crown in the past and act towards your future immediately without any burden of the past. This demands action instead of thinking. Stop overanalyzing and act towards a new direction. You have the reassurance that you are going to find balance as long as you start walking that path. Now isn’t the time to be passive in the hope that things will work out in your favor. Take focused action and stick to the course, no matter what challenges may come your way – because, believe me, there will be challenges. You may be pulled in opposite directions and find your strength and conviction tested. Others may try to block you, distract you, or drag down the pursuit of your goal. But The Chariot is an invitation to draw upon your willpower and home in on what’s essential to you, so you can push past the obstacles in your way. If you are curious about whether you have what it takes to achieve your aim or complete an important project, The Chariot is a sign you will be successful so long as you keep your focus and remain confident in your abilities. You need to use your willpower and self-discipline to concentrate on the task at hand. Assert yourself and be courageous. Be bold in expressing your desires and laying down your boundaries; otherwise, you will not get your way. For some of you this card represents the beginning of a spiritual journey. While this journey will not be without its hurdles, it is one you are more than ready for and lead you on to greater things. Open your ears and listen to the message and synchronicities you get. Maintain your focus, don’t be afraid to try new things and have new experiences. You will reap the benefits.
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