CARD OF THE DAY 03/06/2021

🌍General energies 🌍
🌕 Last Quarter Moon in Pisces♓
We are not inclined to want to face reality while the Moon is in dreamy, impressionable Pisces. It can be a wistful, sensitive, intuitive, and compassionate time. This brings an increase of emotions and a receptivity to other peoples' feelings. You will have a desire to be of help, and you may be willing to sacrifice something for the sake of others. Your emotions predominate over common sense, so it is better to do things which require imagination and inspiration, rather than reason and cool logic. Your body may be more responsive than usual to alcohol, drugs and medicines, so beware of overdoses. The Moon in Pisces generally favors imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music or water activities.
🌞Sun Square Natal Venus🌹
You may want to take things easy today. You want to seek out pleasure and harmony and avoid conflict. You may be quite loving and affectionate so is a good time to start new love relationships or be creative. You may be self-indulgent, so avoid anything with too much effort and avoid spending too much money on impulsive purchases. Just sit back and enjoy it.
🔥Mars Opposition Natal Saturn☄
You need to maintain great patience during this time, you will be feeling very angry and frustrated that things are not going your way. You may feel a sense of inadequacy about yourself which could come out in ego conflicts or explosive outburst. It is a good time to reflect on who or what is triggering your buttons. You may feel lonely or isolated or have people initiate verbal attacks on you for no reason, avoid standing up to these criticisms and try to maintain a calm energy if you can. Just stick to your guns and work on what you must do and try to see where you are being affected most emotionally there will better times to resolve these problems.
🔼❇North Node Square Natal Venus🌹
With Venus Square North Node transit. The love life suffers and you may have difficulty understanding your emotions when it comes to love. It is a time where a significant relationship will end or you may suffer heartbeat. Be aware if this happens its most likely a sign that you have invested your energy in the wrong person and it is a time to align yourself with your deeper purpose and find different ways to grow and evolve. Often this may mean having to leave a relationship if you feel it is stifling your growth. You will have a sincere appreciation for beauty and the arts and likely have some form of artistic talent. Your way of expressing yourself socially and how you display affection may invite conflict and tension from others. Your soul’s lesson is to learn to balance your love for peace with some initiative. Don’t become lazy and complicit.
🌹 4 of materials🌹- in reverse
🔮" Expansion and extention by flowing and surrender! " - Message Card from Archangels Samuel and Metatron 🔮
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