CARD OF THE DAY 29/06/2021

🌍General energies 🌍
🌕 Last Quarter Moon in Pisces♓
We are not inclined to want to face reality while the Moon is in dreamy, impressionable Pisces. It can be a wistful, sensitive, intuitive, and compassionate time. This brings an increase of emotions and a receptivity to other peoples' feelings. You will have a desire to be of help, and you may be willing to sacrifice something for the sake of others. Your emotions predominate over common sense, so it is better to do things which require imagination and inspiration, rather than reason and cool logic. Your body may be more responsive than usual to alcohol, drugs and medicines, so beware of overdoses. The Moon in Pisces generally favors imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music or water activities.
🌹Venus Opposition Natal Moon🌙
You are very affectionate, and you are more giving. You really want to be protective and nurturing. Be wary of being too indiscriminate with your affection as this is a time prone to love affairs. It is very easy to overindulge right now.
🌙Moon Sextile Natal Uranus🌀
You are feeling restless and have a desire for excitement. You may try to change your circumstance to avoid boredom. Friends may help for getting away from your usual scene, you discipline now is lacking.
🌞Sun Opposition Natal Uranus🌀
This time will show you elements in your life you have not given enough consideration to until now. Try to figure out what maybe making you restless and what you really want, even if it isn’t practical. All you need to do is determine what it is so you can figure out later if it is attainable or not. If the energies are not allowed conscious expression, they may come out through accident-prone behavior.
🌹The moon🌹
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